Thursday, October 05, 2006

Rachid Ardjouni

"In France, similar reports of the use of excess force by police officers against Muslim minorities, particularly from North Africa (e.g. Algeria and Morocco) further exemplify racist tendencies. In addition to beatings, mass arrests of immigrants, and other forms of verbal and physical abuse, several detainees have been shot and killed while in police custody. ( In two cases, the victims were shot in the back or the head while trying to escape.) In 1993, Rachid Ardjouni, a 17 year old Algerian immigrant, was shot in the back of the head when he was face down on the ground. The officer, who was drunk at the time of the killing, was given a reduced sentence by the Court of Appeal which also reduced the financial compensation to the victim..s family. In addition, the court ruled that his conviction would not be entered on his criminal record, thus allowing him to continue to serve as a police officer and carry arms." from Muslim Women's League

"En Francia, semejantes reportajes del uso excesivo de la fuerza por oficiales de la policia contra minorias islamicas, parcialemente del norte de Africa (Argelia y Marruecos) son mas muestras de tendencias racistas. Se documenta no solamente las golpizas o los arrestos en masa, de inmigrantes y otras formas de abuso, verbal y fisico, pero tambien varios encarcelados eran baleados y muertos mientras estaban en los manos de la policia. (En dos casos las victimas fueron asesinadas con disparos por la espalda mientras intentaron escapar.) En 1993, Rachid Ardjouni, un inmigrante de 17 anos de Algeria, fue baleado atras de su cabeza mientras estaba boca abajo en el piso. Al oficial, quien estaba borracho al momento de la matanza, le dieron una sentacia reducida por la Corte de Apelacion, que tambien redujo la compensacion financiera a la familia de la victima. Tambien, la Corte dictamino que dichos hechos no entrarian en el reporte criminal del policia, asi que podia continuar trabajando y portar armas." Muslim Women's League


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